Curstorship. The program intended to reveal an approach to disability as another form of existence, as a “possible” utopia. The exhibition gathered Mexican and Brazilian artists with disability presented as a panorama of art history: from engraving to multimedia passing through installation, photograph and video art.

Year: 2018
Authors: Paloma Oliveira 17 Institut for Critical Studies , Laboratorio Arte Alameda
Exhibited at: CCBM Centro Cultural Brasil Mexico

Exhibition De la Norma al Nombre. Part of the Art & Disability Colloquium from 17, Institute for Critical Studies, the curatorial program was developed in partnership with Laboratorio Arte Alameda.

Program included: cineclub curated by Jorge Grajales and a series of workshops including inclusive museography for contemporary art. Exhibition took part in Centro Cultural Brasil-Mexico and curatorial program at Laboratorio Arte Alameda.


Alvaro Serra
Miguel Rebollar

Ana Garcia
Carmina Hernandez
Diana Cano
Pedro Miranda
Suyan Mattos

Ben Rosas

Curatorial Asistant
Misael Rin

Paloma Oliveira

For more information please visit:

from Norm to Name

Curator (2018)
Authors: Paloma Oliveira 17 Institut for Critical Studies , Laboratorio Arte Alameda

Tags:critical disability studies, curator

Categorias: curator