A telematic marrige with Mateus Knelsen. Presented at Atibaia Art & Technology Festival (Atibaia, Brasil) and in Laboratorio Arte Alameda (Mexico City).

  • Casamento na Cidade do México com convidados
  • Na hora do casamento, Paloma e Mateus se comunicam. Registro
  • Planejamento, raider
  • Convite
  • Preparativos no Laboratorio Arte Alameda, México e no cartório no Rio de Janeiro
  • Preparativos - teste de streaming no Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Cidade do México
  • Preparativos no Laboratorio Arte Alameda. Teste de envio de imagem pra o rosto da performer no Rio de Janeiro
  • Preparativos no Laboratorio Arte Alameda. Teste de envio de imagem pra o rosto da performer no Rio de Janeiro
  • Preparativos no Laboratorio Arte Alameda. Teste de envio de imagem pra o rosto da performer no Rio de Janeiro
  • Cartório no Rio de Janeiro
  • Planejamento
  • Planejamento
  • Planejamento
  • Planejamento
  • Mateus e testemunhas: Mari Salles, Renata Perissinoto e Tamara Ganen, no cartório no Rio de Janeiro
  • Cachaça, casamento na Cidade do México
  • Planejamento
  • Obra: El amor en los tiempos del código: una boda telemática Artistas: Paloma Oliveira e Mateus Knelsen. Screenshot do Hangout.
  • Obra: El amor en los tiempos del código: una boda telemática Artistas: Paloma Oliveira e Mateus Knelsen
  • Cartaz da obra: El amor en los tiempos del código: una boda telemática. Artistas: Paloma Oliveira e Mateus Knelsen. Convite oficial, Laboratorio Arte Alameda.

Telematic Performance
Year: 2016
Authors: Paloma Oliveira and Mateus Knelsen
Presented at: II Atibaia Art and Technology Festival
Artists Incubator
Simultaneously in Laboratorio Arte Alameda , Mexico City and in some notary’s office in Rio de Janeiro

A marriage between people who are not in the same place: this is performance Love in code times: a telematic marriage by Paloma Oliveira and Mateus Knelsen. The presentation accompanies, transmits and connects, in real time, the grooms and their guests at the time of the ¨sim¨ of a marriage that takes place between cities separated by 12,307.56km of distance: Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City.

Paloma and Mateus propose a reading of the mediated affectivity and bureaucracies around the realization of this ceremony. The promise of “total connectivity” of devices and networks, in practice, contrasts with the noises and limitations of their functionings. In parallel, in a world of many displacements and telepresence, on which bureaucratic structures remain outdated, they require certificates and presences that are no longer appropriate.

Starting from a real distance situation, the couple Mateus and Paloma proposes a caricature of this scenario, where their civil marriage is realized between their images and other people give their bodies as “support” for these images, to comply with the requirements of a notary From Rio. Paloma and Mateus rewrite their intimacy mediated by electronic devices.

From the (im) permissibilities of the bureaucracy and the networks, questions emerge such as: what changes in the affections in times where everything is mediated by the programming code? What relationships are made possible and transmuted in the transit of matter? What habits are changed with these tools present in the daily life and in the intimacy of the people? Are the affections still the same in the face of a reality mediated by the telematic-technological devices?

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Love in the times of the code: a telematic marriage

Telematic Performance (2016)
Paloma Oliveira & Mateus Knelsen

Tags: FATA, telematic performance

Categories: telematic performance