Artistic-curatorial research from Josy Panão, Paloma Oliveira and Tania Aedo, the project seeks, using methods of philosophical archeology and media, as well as poetic procedures, to excavate the concept of autonomy.

  • Invitación digital de Arqueologia de la Autonomia

Year: 2018
Authors: Josy Panão, Paloma Oliveira, Tania Aedo
Exhibited at: Laboratorio Arte Alameda
Supported by: 17 Instituto de Estudios Críticos & MedHacker

The exhibition is presented in 3 parts: Archeology, Deconstruction processes; data / concepts / poetic / subjective Visualization; and Proposition of narratives or possible utopias.

In the exhibition halls the artists Carolina Esparragoza, Hugo Solís, Ramiro Chaves and the collective Manimas (María, Daniel, Bernardo and Eduardo) propose different ways of performatizing the concept of autonomy.

Archeology is part of participatory research where we do small exercises of deconstruction of what is considered normal and propose other forms of existence: drawing up friendly contracts; informal conversations with agents from different areas; museological materials that contemplate communication with more than one language, expanding the possibility of dialogue; formation of the museum’s internal community open to the participation of all interested parties; etc. This research is designed to form “ruins” to future researchers, in dialogue with the Documentation Center Priamo Lozada Alameda Art Laboratory, and to work as a palimpsest, a written open to participation and updates that become necessary in other time.

Deconstruction process | Parallel activities | Curatorial Program
August. (internal activity). Participatory research / team formation LAA and collaborators with Beatriz Miranda.

September 17, from 11 am to 2 pm. Conversation-brunch in Independencia BioHackLab. Autonomy of Madness. Participants: Juan Manuel, Emma Gonzales, Pablo Atanacio Vázquez, mediation Cybelle Oliveira.
Local: Calle Serafin Olarte 160 Casa D – Colonia Independencia

September 24, from 11 am to 2 pm. Conversation-brunch in Independencia BioHackLab. Autonomy of Education. Participants: Zardel Jacobo, Daniel Godinez Nivon, Hugo Solis, mediation by Leslie Garcia.
Local: Calle Serafin Olarte 160 Casa D – Colonia Independencia

October 11, Thursday from 17-21h. Workshop In search of lost privacy. With: Cybelle Oliveira. Local: Auditorium.
Any type of digital interaction that connects to the internet – whether by computer, mobile phone, tablet or any other device – leaves fingerprints.
Do you feel that you have excess information shared on the web? Do you know what consequences this web information generates to your offline life?
In that meeting, we will discuss the limits of our online privacy, we will know some ways to clean those traces and regain control of our digital life.

October 22nd and 25th, Tuesday and Thursday, from 5pm to 9pm. Biohacking workshop “Bacteria Nation” in this workshop the collective Biolab Independence (the molecular biologist Alfonso Castillo and the artist Jaime Lobato) deconstruct the practices of hygiene of the laboratories to reflect with the idea of ​​individual-community from an ecological perspective, the human and its microbiome, its bacterial populations. An exercise to cultivate a bacterial trace is proposed and with it create patriotic symbols for each nation analyzed.
Local: BioLab Independencia

October 31st, Wednesday Night of Museums, 7pm. Performance Aesthetic Autonomy, Lauren Klein

Archeology of Autonomy

Curator (2018)
Curators: Josy Panão, Paloma Oliveira, Tania Aedo

Tags: autonomy, critical disability theory, medhacker

Categorias: curaduría