Interactive installation where the public presence triggers videos projected in maks of faces of people who have different views of the same story.

  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia - Montagem com apoio de Vitor e Igor (Incubadora de Artistas)
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia - Montagem
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia - Montagem
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia - Calibrando sistema interativo
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia - Visão do espaço expositivo
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia - Montagem
  • Memorabilia Ludens no I Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia

Based on the Rashomon effect, a term coined by American anthropologist Karl G. Heider, referring to the film of Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa. It is an expression used to describe a situation where you can not know what really happened as each one interprets the facts from different points of view.

The installation space is divided into parts that trigger different databases depending on the distance between the masks and the interactor. The interactor body is what triggers the videos, and the distance between that body and the masks determines which stories will be told. The more the interactor engages and enters the room, more personal becomes the stories. At each step, a video is triggered. Each video, a different part of the story is told.

Part of the I Festival of Art and Technology of Atibaia, organized by Incubadora de Artistas

Incubadora de Artistas is a non-profit initiative whose management artists Igor Spacek and Vitor Carvalho. With over 20 years of experience and performance in the difficult world of the arts in Brazil, they viewed an innovative and collaborative way to support artists. The main idea is to provide support, encouragement, information, dissemination and training in the cultural field, also looking for production and distribution of creative products and services.

Memorabilia Ludens

interactive installation where the public presence triggers videos projected in masks of faces of people who have different views of the same story (2015)
Author: Paloma Oliveira

Tags:specialized documentary, memory box, rashomon effect, interactive installation

Categorias: installation